This article is an original product for the following vehicles:
up to serial number 21242
up to serial number 12384
up to serial number 24975
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Per assistenza scrivici a o chiamaci al 388 65 21 773
(€ 0,00 + IVA)
13 inches
single disc with organic disc
the kit includes:
0.014.9423.3/10 clutch pressure plate 13″
0.014.9431.3 organic clutch disc 13″
0.065.1254.0/20 flange gasket
2.1519.086.0 sealing ring
2.1529.073.0 flywheel sealing ring
2.1530.091.0 sealing ring
2.2999.510.0 thrust bearing
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This article is an original product for the following vehicles:
This item is a compatible product for the following vehicles: